Friday, November 26, 2010

Note - music

EEEEE!!! So, writing this morning, I have fiiiinally gotten Mephisto to wander over to the room with the hydraulis in it. (This has been making me crazy, because it's such an awesome-sounding instrument, that I had to use it, but couldn't yet.) I think there's one in a song or two among the 734820 I downloaded last week, but, wasn't sure, so went back to this video I posted a link to the other day, to get a refresher on the sound.

It's the Song of Seikilos!!! I didn't even know! The video was one of the earlier things I looked at that day, and it wasn't until later that I sat down and taught myself the song. (I now have it memorized, and it makes me very, very happy to be able to sing.)

...of course, now I have a *third* version to listen to, and so far each one has slightly different pronunciations in it. As I know no Greek whatsoever, I'm going to have to arbitrarily decide between them. hmm.


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