Sunday, November 7, 2010


Project Gutenberg, wonderful in so many ways, and it's a delight everytime I land on the site. I needed a poem for Veri, and Goethe came to mind. A quick swing by Wiki to make sure I was in the right time period (Eliot, sadly, is too recent for using in this story), and to remind myself what it was by Goethe that I had liked so much. (Sorrows of Young Werther. Why do I not own this book yet?? Adding to Kaboodle list now.)

Snagged a book of Goethe's poems from Gutenberg, skimmed through, and printed a handful of the early ones. (I was more interested in something visceral, melancholy, and.. well, angsty. The younger the writer, the more of that sort they write.)

And I suspect that I, like Veri, will have the line "Conceal my affliction, conceal thy delight" running through my head for quite some time. I, also like Veri, have a stronger gut intuition of the lines than actual comprehension, but that only means it can take on a thousand meanings in my thoughts.


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