Sunday, November 7, 2010


Back-dated the previous post - I worked a day shift, and when I got home, a fabulous dinner needed to be made. Pasta, homemade meatballs cooked in a yummy sauce, italian bread with dipping oil, some badly-smelling but yummy-tasting cheese...

After dinner, two episodes of Farscape, and some sips of a little bottle of Irish Whiskey (which was surprisingly yummy), the boy and I were too sleepy. But I needed to write. I was cranky and had no idea what to write, and we were both tired, but I wanted to get something down.

Tom was doing a bit of coding (his November project is learning to code for the Droid phone - he wants to make a Sabacc game, to be played on the R2-D2 Droid). But I interrupted his audible conversation with the computer screen to plead for an idea.

He told me I should have one person get stuck in the mud, and then two others fight over who has to stay with the whiny little bitch while the other goes for help.

While this made me laugh, it also struck a chord. That could actually work. I'd been flipping through my binder of notes, and stopped on the page listing the seven sins and their Latin names. Sloth. I could work with that.

But as I started in writing, I decided Claude would injure his hand, and be unable to paint. Meres would neglect to attend to him. And then I realized what I had written earlier - that Meres was using Claude's art as a substitution for his own. If Claude was hurt, that plan wouldn't work anymore. So, on seeing Claude hurt, Meres can just wander off to go do his own painting - and thus, not give a crap about Claude any more that day. (Not that Phistos need an excuse to be self-centered. It's basically the core of their nature.)

A few minutes later, I suddenly realized something, and actually gasped aloud and clutched at my heart, because I realized Claude's little painting should be destroyed. And it hurt me to think of doing it. My chest ached at the thought. Tom, I think, looked at me like I was crazy, but this was not something I needed his input on - if it hurt me that much, then it was a strong enough image that I had to put it in there. damnit.

I pounded through until I got to the end of the section, and though it fell short of my quota yesterday, it was something, and I hadn't the energy for more. I'm not working today, so between massive stacks of dishwashing, baking goodies for a baby shower, and going to said baby shower, I am going to get caught up.


As soon as I figure out wtfh I'm writing next.


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